AI and ML Framework
Platform to convert your idea and thoughts into AI products.
We provide the foundation to start with initial framework setup and convert it to the robust product for your business.

Let's Start the Work (Our Products)
AI Framework for sales prediction
Automate the Prediction for purchasing the product and service.
Detection of Anomaly in data
Anomaly in the data can be detect multiply way. A framework is designed..
Product design to identify the trash object underwater
System designed to identify the underwater..
Mobile Apps Development Using AI and ML
Evaluate the adequacy of insurance claims and propose..
Cloud Migration
Migrate to cloud. Modernise your Apps. Plan and migrate to cloud, and build cloud-ready applications..
Cloud Data Management
Manage data across cloud environments with DataOps. Enable governance..
Linear Algo
Linear Algo provides consultation for AI and ML based applications, products and services, like integration with cloud cognitive service and training of the custom database to develop ML models using roboflow.
We design & develop the customer ideas into a MVP (minimum viable product) taking your feedback and continuously mature your ideas into a full fledged product. We develop AI based products and services for NLP and Computer Vision. With our R&D ability, we are involved in developing custom products that you think require automation of your business & operation.

Completed Projects
Satisfied Clients
Data Analysis
Tech Support

Solutions to Accelerate Data-Driven Transformation Across Industries. Transform your business supported by a trusted partner with deep experience in every aspect of data operations, across multiple industries and technologies.
Expert Team
Digital Solutions
24/7 Tech Support